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The Hub
Silvaan den Boer avatar
Written by Silvaan den Boer
Updated over 6 months ago

What will change with 3.0?

With the release of Oneteam 3.0, the home screen has been revamped. Instead of the timeline, employees will now see the ‘Hub’ as the first screen when opening the app. Tabs at the bottom of the app include the Hub, Timeline, Chat, Notifications, and More. The Hub provides a clear first screen where employees can immediately see which tasks they still need to complete.

The Hub

At the top of the screen, employees can immediately see which community they are in. If they are part of more than one community, an icon will appear that allows easy switching between communities.

An exclamation mark appears at the top right of the screen if the employee's profile is incomplete. This icon indicates which actions are still needed to complete the profile. Once the profile is complete, the exclamation mark disappears.

What is visible in the Hub depends on the specific modules the organization enabled. The order is as follows:

Onboarding (Optional)

If onboarding is not completed yet, it will remain visible until the employee completes all steps. After completion, the onboarding is moved to the Academy

Pulse surveys (Optional)

When there are open surveys, this is shown for the employee. Pulse surveys are always shown immediately. The number next to the name shows how many questions are pending. When all questions have been answered, the pulse survey will disappear.

Important messages

Important messages that have not yet been marked as read remain visible in the Hub. Employees see the text of the message and a simple view of any attachments. This ensures that important information remains under immediate attention until it is dealt with.

Employees can easily navigate to the full post on the timeline by pressing the ‘Show Post’ button. This allows them to view the full context and see the responses. Once the employee clicks ‘Mark as read’, the post disappears from the Hub, which helps keep the Hub uncluttered and up-to-date.

To do's

In the Hub, up to three tasks are displayed under the ‘To Do's’ section. If there are more than three tasks, the employee can click the ‘Show more’ button to view the full list. This section also includes important tasks such as the ‘Access review’ for organization and community admins.

Overview of To Do's:

Introduce yourself: This task is a basic requirement found in every community. Employees only need to do this once. It helps new employees introduce themselves to the community.

Surveys: All unanswered surveys can be found here. Employees can easily see which surveys are not filled in yet, and can complete them easily.

Events: If employees have not yet indicated attendance for an event, they can easily do so via the Hub. Employees can mark themselves as present or absent, which helps in maintaining attendance lists.


Here, employees can see all courses that have a deadline attached to them and/or have not yet been completed, to ensure that employees do not miss their deadline. Uncompleted learning packages also remain visible until they are fully completed.

Apps & Shortcuts

This section can be self-set by organization admins. This can be done by dragging and dropping the order.

If you turn off the button for Academy, Colleagues, Events, it will be off for the entire organization.

Forms and documents will be shown only to the specific target group that has been selected for this function.

You can now find settings and help under the ‘more’ heading.

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