To successfully introduce the app to your employees, you can make a number of preparations. In this article, we will give you some options you can think of, appropriate to your organization, to introduce Oneteam to your employees. Think of the following steps for a successful introduction:
First of all, there are obviously going to be a number of aspects that are going to change in the way that communication takes place in your organization. We, therefore, recommend that employees be notified of these changes at least one week prior to launch:
An email with explanation to employees:
Notify your employees by sending an email with the main changes such as:
WhatsApp groups will be removed. Oneteam has its own chat function. The advantage here is that no phone number is needed to communicate. So you won't receive work-related chat messages on days you do not want to.
Emails and newsletters will no longer be sent. They will be posted on the timelines of the groups that employees will have access to.
Exchange requests/shift changes will go through Oneteam. You will soon be able to easily offer a shift on the app, which a colleague can accept, so you no longer need to message colleagues individually.
Schedules can be found in the Oneteam app and will no longer be emailed. In the calendar you're also able to see birthdays and created events.
Forms & Checklists are visible from now on behind the 'more' button in the app.
Documents are able to be found in 'my documents'. So everything is one place.
The invitation to download the app will be received on the email address which is known to us. Check your spam folder in case you haven't received this invitation while you already should have.
Optionally, you could also add why your organization chose Oneteam, and that all communication will now take place through one channel. Think about a message like underneath:
In this app you will find all important information and messages of our organization. You're inserted into groups, depending in your function and location. We chose for this app so we can easily and quickly reach everyone. Of course you're also able to chat and communicate with each other using the appropriate groups and chat functionality.
Another reason we chose for this app is that we want everyone to be engaged to our organization, so please feel free to comment on posted timeline messages or create them yourselves.
Contact the live-chat of Oneteam ('more' and 'Help Center') if you have any questions about the app, or send a message to organization admin of the app if you have different questions.
Promotional material;
If many employees are physically employed by the organization, you can also choose to put up a poster. You can find the example by clicking the button below:
Message on timeline(s):
A common way to welcome employees once they have downloaded the app is to post a welcome message (including a video).
In our experience, it works well to have this posted by an administrator and/or board of directors so that employees do not see an empty timeline.
It also enables them to immediately see what is possible in the app. You could choose two welcome messages, for example, the bottom two:
Welcome message with text and video about why your organization will be working with Oneteam.
A welcome message with text (and possibly video) explaining how Oneteam works for employees.
Below is an example of a welcome message:
Welcome message 1:
This welcome message is usually created by an organization administrator. A welcome video works extremely well to immediately encourage employees to interact and be active with the new Oneteam app.
Key points in this video may include:
This app includes all important information from our organization and from your site manager.
This enables us to reach you easily and quickly.
In addition, you can easily communicate with each other and you will be able to take a fun quiz or follow a learning package from time to time.
We want everyone to be involved in our organization, so please feel free to respond to posts or share your own information with whomever you wish.
Contact your site manager if you have any questions about the app. But above all, have fun!
Welcome message 2:
You could use the sample post below to post on the timeline. You can also translate this into a video if you wish.
“Welcome to Oneteam! Below you will find some more information about the different functionalities of this new app:
Timeline: Here you will find all the messages that are meant for you, but it is also possible to post your own!
Messages: You can receive messages on your timeline specifically meant for your location, your position, but also messages that are important to everyone in our organization (like this message).
Groups: you are a member of one or more groups: you can find these by clicking on the round icon (with three stripes) in the top left of the app on your mobile. So, if you also want to post or read about a specific topic, you could also go directly to that group.
Chat: Anyone can chat with each other, which works basically the same as with WhatsApp. You can create groups or chat with someone individually. It is important to note that no phone number is required for this purpose. So, if you turn off notifications, you won’t get any messages on your own number. In addition, in your privacy settings (under “More” and “Settings”), you can select who can send you chat messages and who can't. The chat messages are obviously not visible to colleagues or your manager who are not involved in the chat.
Calendar: In the calendar you're able to find your schedule, see your colleagues birthdays and to apply for created events.
Academy: Here you will find a welcome package with information for new employees. Please read these carefully, even if you have been with us longer. More elearnings will be added in the near future with information about our company and your position.
Forms & Checklists: Here you can find all sorts of important forms to fill out in order to digitalize lots manual tasks we had before.
Support: Under “More” and “App support”, you can give feedback about the app or ask a question if something is not working. There is also a Help Centre, where you can find answers to frequently asked questions. For questions about content posts from our app, email changes, and/or schedules, please reach out to your site manager.
Good luck with Oneteam!
Underneath an example on how this might look like:
E-Learning template 'Welcome to Oneteam!'
Feel free to contact our Helpdesk to request the standard E-Learning template created by Oneteam for your employees. Through this template they receive a training on how Oneteam works for them so you don't have to explain that to your employees.
After launch:
Once the app is launched, there are a few important aspects to keep an eye on.
For example, consider following up on inactive users after one week. You could leave this to the appropriate community administrator. You can also designate 'key users' within each community. Typically, these are users who are very practical with such apps and already communicate frequently with colleagues.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us via our live chat! 👉