In case you manage employees manually in the Oneteam app, i.e. without a link to a WFM (Workforce Management) system, we explain how to manage them.
Invite employees:
As soon as you start with Oneteam as an organization, you have three options to invite/import your employees:
Import through a .csv file
You can import your entire employee database via a .csv file. Via this file way you can import a unique identifier, name and surname, community, functions and more, per employee. Check out the tutorial underneath to find out more on how this works:
By importing employees from a .csv file, it is also possible to immediately set up the structure (new functions and communities). This will be explained further in the course of this article. You can only import and invite employees to the app as an organization admin in the organization's dashboard. Click the button below for the example file to import employees.
To find the sample file above, and to actually invite employees, go to the organization dashboard. To invite employees via a .csv file, go within the organization dashboard to “Employees” > “Invite employee” > “Invite employee from .csv file”.
We then recommend you to follow the steps indicated in Oneteam to import the employees.
How does the importing work?
Employees are assigned to the community and position via the .csv file. Should the .csv file contain employees that already exist in Oneteam, we change the communities and positions of the employees to those indicated in the .csv file. You can use the import more often, so you can make multiple changes in one go. In addition, you can also import employees without immediately sending them an invitation.
Import employees with a CSV. file
In the organization dashboard > employees > all, you will see an 'invite employees' button at the top right. Click on that. Then you can choose from two options. In this case, choose 'Invite employees with a CSV. file'. When you have clicked on it, you will see a step-by-step plan in front of you.
Click on 'example file' in the overview where you are now, under 'Upload your .csv file'. You will then arrive at the screen below. Now select all the fields (ctrl + a) and copy them (ctrl + c). Now create a new spreadsheet (file (top left) -> new -> spreadsheet). In the new spreadsheet, click once on cell A1 and paste the copied into a new spreadsheet (ctrl + v). Now enter the details of your employees in the new spreadsheet. Keep in mind the 'important' criteria. You also have to delete the second row where the titles are explained. Once you're done filling in all the details, navigate to File (top left) -> Download -> Comma Separated Values (.csv, current sheet).
Return to Oneteam and click on 'Start new import'. Upload the completed .csv file at the 'Upload file' step. You are now in the next step, called mapping. Match the correct columns here with the correct values in Oneteam. If you used our example file, each term in the .csv file matches the term in Oneteam. So it will look like this.
After this step, navigate to 'Check actions' at the top right and if correct, to 'start import'. Congratulations, your employees are now loaded into Oneteam!
When these employees are imported, they are not immediately invited to Oneteam (if you have not checked the 'invite new employees to the organization' screen, see image below left above). If you have not yet set up the 'structure' in Oneteam, choose -new community- and -new function- on the 'assign' screen to create it immediately. Two birds with one stone!
Read the heading below how to invite them when you feel ready to do this(, when the whole Oneteam structure is to your liking).
Inviting Imported Employees
When the employees have been imported, or the integration with a WFM is already in place, but have not yet been invited to Oneteam, you can invite them by clicking on the large button 'Send invitation emails to x employees'. This can be found under employees --> not invited. At that point, all previously imported employees will be invited to Oneteam via the email addresses loaded into the system. Below is a picture of what that button looks like (orange).
Next step: The introduction plan for your employees
Have you recently started and are you importing employees for the first time? Make sure you have an introductory plan in which you prepare the employees for the changes and how they can best use the app. We see that the employees are then used to these changes much faster. Click the button below for more information about the introduction.
Did you recently start and are you importing employees for the first time? Make sure you have created an introduction plan that prepares employees for the changes and how best to use the app. We see that employees then get used to these changes much faster. Click the button below for more information about the introduction.
Import through Oneteam (individually)
Whereas adding a large number of employees is easier via import with a .csv file, employees can of course also be added manually. Check out this tutorial to learn more on how this works:
You do this within the organization dashboard via “Employees” > “Invite employees” > “Invite manually”. The screen below will then appear;
Fill in the required information and click “Optional” to give this new employee a unique identifier if necessary. This is usually the employee number, and you should assign it if you did the same during the .csv import. Then click on “Permissions” if you want to give this new employee a specific role within the organization.
Import through a QR code (Individually)
The last option to get your employees into Oneteam is via a QR code. Your organization can request a specific QR code which your employees can scan when they are at their place of work. When they do, they see the screen below. They can fill in the requested information to create an account.
Check out the tutorial underneath for more information on how the invite link and QR code works to manage employees:
After your employees fill in the form above, you as an organization administrator get the chance to either accept or decline. This will look like the example below. When you choose to accept them, they become an official employee in the Oneteam app!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through our live chat! 👉