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Tips, templates and analysis surveys results
Tips, templates and analysis surveys results

In this article we provide you with nice tips to create relevant surveys and how you can analyze the results in the best way.

Silvaan den Boer avatar
Written by Silvaan den Boer
Updated over a year ago

To receive useful answers it's naturally important to ask the proper questions in the right way. The templates that we designed within the 'Pro' version of this feature are a good starting point and are made to send out immediately. Of course it's also possible to create a survey from scratch, or to edit any template. In this article you can find useful tips about creating a survey and how to analyze the results;

Do you want to know how to handle the exported data (.csv files) to get a proper overview of the data please click on the button underneath;

Tips creating surveys:

  • Answers to Sliders (numbers) and Multiple choice are easier to interpret than text answers. Especially when you send out a survey to a large group of employees. Here you're able to analyze averages per community and/or function to answer more directly to their needs.

  • In many cases, you're able to replace a text answer with a multiple-choice question. For example, think about the following question; 'What do you like the most in your job?' Here you can expect a large variety of answers that are difficult to categorize. Here you could also ask, including multiple answer categories, the following multiple-choice question. 'What do you like the most in your job?'

    • Colleagues

    • Working times

    • The atmosphere at the workplace

    • Managers

    • Challenge

    • Customers

  • When using Sliders and Multiple choice questions you're able to give the employees the opportunity to end with a text answer in case you want to them to be more elaborate on certain answers they gave; 'Please provide us with a more detailed explanation why you gave your answer.' In this way you get an extra explanation without the need to categorize a large variety of answers.

  • Make use of images and videos to make your survey more attractive to finish. You can expect a higher response rate when you do this.

  • Make use of an introductory text and a final text module to make the survey more personal.

Analyzing the results

To download the responses of the survey you're able to click on 'Responses' and on 'Download all responses'. The results will be exported into a .csv file. Click here for more information on how to easily convert the results into an excel sheet or google sheet.

After you downloaded the results and put these in an overview, you're able to analyze the results. To make it easy we will use the templates as an example;


First, what is an eNPS? An NPS, 'Net Promoter Score', is used to measure the loyalty of your employees. The question here is about the intention to recommend working for your organization to a friend or family member. Thereafter the employee gets the opportunity to elaborate on their provided answer. The scores are to be interpreted as followed;

  • Promoter: score = 8, 9 or 10. This means that this employee is loyal to your organization and will recommend you as a suitable employee.

  • Passives: score = 6 or 7. This means that there are a couple of aspects missing for an employee to recommend you as an organization to work with. It's recommended to ask these employees for more feedback.

  • Detractor: score = lower than 6. This means that these employees will not recommend you as an employer. It's recommended to ask for feedback.

Employee engagement

With this template, you can easily find out if your employees are proud to work at your organization if they think their work is meaningful and if they feel a part of the team. The last open question, that controls the answers given in the sliders and multiple-choice questions, can be analyzed as followed;

  • Analyze the average for each community and function;

  • Compare the results with the results of the eNPS to see which factors are influencing the positive responses of the employees;

  • Quantify the text answers by giving them 'tags' like in the matrix underneath;
















Employee satisfaction

This template consists mainly out of sliders, meaning that you can easily analyze the results. Here you could consider the topics underneath in your analysis:

  • Analyze the average for each community and function;

  • Compare the results with the results of the eNPS to see which factors are influencing the positive responses of the employees;

  • Quantify the text answers by giving them 'tags' (like in the matrix above)

Onboarding evaluation

This template consists mainly out of text answers. The main reason for this is the expected variation among the answers that are hard to categorize. To make this possible either way, you can think about applying the matrix above within 'employee engagement' to categorize positive and negative answers.

The big advantage of this survey is the possibility to send this one in an ongoing, automatic, way based on the starting date of the contract that is known in the Oneteam app.

If you want advice or specific examples for your organization please don't hesitate to get in touch with us through the live chat! πŸ‘‰

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