๐กThis article is for employees of organizations that work with the Oneteam app.
On your mobile phone (app version of Oneteam) the Flexchange functionality and schedules are to be found at one button named 'Calendar'. Here you can find the overview of all exchanges, (pending exchanges, approved exchanges, created exchanges) your schedule en birthdays within your organisation.
At every exchange you have the possibility to check the date, time, location, and responses. Also, you're able to respond yourself if you have a question about something regarding the exchange. You're able to create an exchange by clicking on the 'plus' sign in the top right corner of your screen in the app.
Afterwards you have the possibility to set the start time, end time and you're able to select the appropriate community and function group(s) where this exchange request needs to be sent to. You would also have the opportunity to add a note where, for example, you can explain more about why this exchange request is created. You can also add the location of the shift. When the exchange is created and sent out the selected target audience will receive a notification with the opportunity to accept this exchange to take over the shift, in the end, there will always be a community admin (or someone else with a role to manage the exchanges) to accept or decline this takeover.
Underneath you can find a glossary of all buttons within the 'Calendar' functionality;
Here you can find, besides your schedule, all your created exchanges, takeover requests, shift takeovers, and birthdays.
My schedule:
Here you can find all shifts in which you're scheduled.
My Flexchange:
Here you can find all exchanges that you created yourself and which you took over.
Here you can find all open flexchanges to which you're eligible to accept and take over.
Pending exchanges:
(Only for admins) Here you can find all exchanges that still need to be accepted or declined.
Approved exchanges:
(Only for admins) Here you can find all approved exchanges which are taken over.
If employees didn't change their privacy settings to 'nobody' regarding the visibility of their date of birth their birthday will be visible within the calendar.
Click on the button underneath to get back to the collection of articles where you can find the most frequently asked questions;
Feel free to contact us via live chat if you have any questions! We are always ready to help you! ๐