When you open the app, you can see your personal timeline. In “My timeline”, you will see all the posts that are meant for you. The content on your timeline depends on which groups you are a member of. Check out our tutorial underneath to find out how the timeline and messages work:
You can post a message to the timeline via the web version of Oneteam or in the app. You will find first important information about the messages below:
Posts on the timeline come from within the organization or are posted by community administrators and/or employees.
A post may include a poll, document, photos, and/or videos.
Anyone who sees the post in their timeline can respond to a post. This depends on the group the message is posted to.
In the organization groups, you can find specific information about, for example, general news and messages for all team leaders.
You can post a message via the web version of Oneteam or via the app. Both ways differ a little, so we will briefly explain them separately:
Post a message via the web version:
On the web version, you can post to one group by selecting a community group directly on the left side under “My timeline”. You can also post a message by clicking on “Write a message to your colleagues”. See the screen below:
Next, select the group(s) that should receive your message. You can choose the top option (in our case “Arnhem”) if you want the message to be received by everyone. Select a specific group (e.g., "Cashier") if you want only them to receive the message.
Once you have selected the group(s), you can write the message. You can choose to send a poll, add photos/videos (with Unsplash), add documents, or tag specific people so they get a notification. You can also mark a message as important so that all employees who receive this message must click a “Mark as read” button. This post will remain on the top of the timeline until this button is clicked.
You can also schedule a post, which you do by clicking on the clock next to “Post”. In the screen below, you can set the date and time when you want to send the message:
Once you have clicked on “Save”, you will be given the option to save the message so that it will be sent at the chosen time. A scheduled message can be found under “Write a message for your colleagues”. If you want to edit the message, click on the message and then on the three dots on the top right of the screen. Click “Edit” and you can edit and save the message:
Eventually, the important messages and files will be shown under all messages:
Post a message via the app version:
In the app version, you can post a message to a specific community group right away by clicking on the three bullets, to be found on the top left of your screen. You can also post a message by clicking “Write a message for your colleagues” on your timeline.
Next, select the group(s) that should receive your message. You can choose the top option if you want the message to be received by everyone. Select a specific group if you want only them to receive the message.
Once you have selected the group(s), you can write the message. You can choose to send a poll, add photos/videos (with Unsplash), add documents, or tag specific people so they get a notification. You can also mark a message as important so that all employees who receive this message must click a “Mark as read” button. This post will remain on the top of the timeline until this button is clicked.
You can also schedule a post, which you do by clicking on the clock next to “Post”. You can set the date and time when you want to send the message. Once the message is posted, you will see it immediately on the timeline. A scheduled message can be found under “Write a message for your colleagues”. If you want to edit the message, click on the message and then on the three dots on the top right of the screen. Click “Edit” and you can edit and save the message. Eventually, the important messages and files will be shown under all messages.
Click the button below to go to the next step. Here, we will explain more about how to create community groups in Oneteam.
Frequently asked questions about messages
How do I mark a message as important? ⭐
You can mark a message as important while writing the content of the message. You will recognize this option by the star in front of “Mark as important”. This message will appear on the top of the timeline of all employees who should receive the message. They then have to click the “Mark as read” button to get the message into the “normal” timeline.
Where can I find statistics on the important messages?
You can see who has and has not marked these messages as important by going to the message, where you then have the option to click “# x read” in the bottom right corner of the message. This can also be done on the web version of Oneteam.
Where can I exchange messages with someone, or with a group?
For this, we have the chat function. You can find it in the app in the menu bar on the bottom of the screen. You can create chat groups or communicate with individuals here. The content of these messages is not visible to others.
How do I manage message notifications?
In the app, go to the “More” button on the bottom right of your screen. Then click on “Notifications”. From here, you will be directed to the app settings on your phone. You can also disable notifications for specific groups. You do this by clicking on the button with the three dots on the top left of your screen. Then you click on the cog in the upper right corner of the screen and are given the option to tick or untick groups you want to receive notifications from.
Feel free to contact us via live chat if you have any questions! We are always ready to help you! 👉