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Oneteam Starter Guide

In this article, we explain how the platform works for community admins.

Guido Schmitz avatar
Written by Guido Schmitz
Updated over a year ago

In this article, you can learn more about how the app works for a community administrator. We will go through the different parts of the app and you can send this article to other community administrators who need more information about our app.

Oneteam introduction

Underneath you're able to find a video about the Oneteam platform and how it works for you and your organization as a community admin:

The platform

Within Oneteam, you have many opportunities to communicate with employees and post messages, find schedules, offer and manage shift changes (Flexchange), view statistics, and chat. In addition, the points below are important for all users within Oneteam.

  • All employees can chat with each other, but can also create chat groups. Our advice is, if used before, to duplicate the WhatsApp groups as well so that as little as possible changes and make the adoption of the platform as fast as possible.

  • Shortcuts put all the important information at a central point. On mobile, it is visible within the “More” menu and on the web version, in the right column on the timeline.

  • Through our Help Centre, you can immediately find the right article for your question. If your question/answer is not found here, you can contact us by going to “More” on your mobile and then going to “App support”. On the web version, you can find the Help Centre on the top right next to your profile picture.

In the course of this article, we will explain the other functionalities within Oneteam step by step, specifically for you as a community administrator.

My timeline and communication

When you open the app, you can see your personal timeline. In “My timeline”, you will see all the posts that are meant for you. The content on your timeline depends on which groups you are a member of. Community admins will see all placed timeline messages and comments.

In addition to being able to post via the timeline, and to view other options via the left menu, you will further see an overview of your colleagues, birthdays, and shortcuts created on the right side of your screen. In this article, we will cover the buttons in the left menu step by step.

Once logged in, you can use the article below to see exactly how the timeline and communication work on the web version and in the app:

Manage colleagues

As a community administrator, you have the ability to manage your colleagues in the web version of Oneteam and in the app. We will cover these possibilities in both versions of Oneteam in the article below.

Here you can also find frequently asked questions with answers, regarding colleagues, like what to do if an employee forgot the password/username and how to invite employees.


An important function within Oneteam is to manage employees’ schedules. As a community administrator, you can upload a schedule up to the next five weeks. Schedules can be uploaded by week for the entire community or a specific position.

Click the button below to find out more about schedules, and how to manage them:

Forms & Checklists

With the 'Forms' functionality you are able to standardize all kinds of information flows and to make work processes more efficient. You have a direct overview of all submitted forms, you can add statuses and you can export or send the results to other HR systems. Forms can only be created by organization admins but you're able to receive certain permissions as a moderator to manage forms within your community.

Click the button below to find out more about forms and checklists, and how to manage them:


The Events feature allows you as an organisation admin and community admin to schedule a team get-together, offline training or other event. This event becomes visible to employees on the calendar within the app and even gets its own timeline and guest list (which you can export).

Click the button below to find out more about these events, and how to manage them:

Document Management

The document management feature allows organization admins and community admins to upload folders and documents. These can be made visible to a group or all employees by applying filters. You can create folders that are only visible to specific communities or employees with a certain function for example. As a community admin you can only create folders for the communities you are a member of. Click below to read more about document management.


Oneteam's Flexchange functionality enables anyone within a community to offer a shift, which another employee can take over. This eliminates the need for employees to chat among themselves and then seek approval from the community administrator.

First, we explain how this works for a community administrator. Next, we show what this looks like for employees and answer frequently asked questions.

Click the button below to find out more about this functionality:

Community statistics

Community statistics give you more insights into your employees' activity and communication. As a community administrator, you can only see the statistics of your community on the web version (PC/laptop).

Click the button below to find out more about community statistics and how to interpret them:

Community settings

After statistics, you can also manage your community’s settings within Oneteam. Here you can create and modify community groups, change employees’ positions and assign administrators, for example.

Click the button below to find out more about community statistics:

Create community groups

To get more specific information on the timelines from employees, you can, in addition to organization groups, create community groups. Generally, these are groups based on position. To create community groups, go to the community of your choice and then click on “Community settings”.

For further tips and tricks on how to best set up the Oneteam app, please click the button below. You can also find specific content tips and general information about how you could increase engagement in the app.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us through our live chat!👉

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